Surfaces and Effects: SPECIAL Effects...

Transmitted Light: Similar to a stained-glass window, most common with vegetation.
1. Transmitted light, with a strongly chromatic yellow-green color.
2. The leaf in shadow , facing downward. This is the darkest green. It would be even darker if it weren't picking up reflected light from the adjacent leaves.
3. The leaf in shadow, facing upward. These upward facing planes are blue-green because of the reflected blue light from the sky.
4. Sunlight reflecting off the top surface of the leaf. The "highlight" on the sunny side.
Image result for transmitted light painting
Subsurface Scattering: When light enters the skin or any translucent material and spreads out beneath the surface, creating an unmistakable glow. Often seen in, but not limited to, ears and hands.
Image result for subsurface scattering painting
Color Zones of the Face: Forehead - Yellow, Nose and Cheeks - Red, Mouth and Chin - Blue
Image result for color zones of the face
The Secret of Hair: Use big brushes (large shapes, not individual strands), Keep the masses simple, Soften the edges, and Control the highlights. Imagine ringlets of hare as ribbon.
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Caustics (Water light refraction/reflection): 


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