Color Relationships: Color Coding Creations
Monochromatic: a color scheme consisting of a single hue taken through a range of value.
Warm/Cool: Cool - Mystery, Darkness, Gloom. Combining warm and cool colors can create interest in a piece.
Colored Light Interactions: the shadow on the side of the colored light takes on that same color, and the shadow on the opposite side of a light takes on the opposite hue.
Triads: working within a color scheme limited to three colors and their range of darkness variants. Creates harmony within a piece.
Warm/Cool: Cool - Mystery, Darkness, Gloom. Combining warm and cool colors can create interest in a piece.
Colored Light Interactions: the shadow on the side of the colored light takes on that same color, and the shadow on the opposite side of a light takes on the opposite hue.
Triads: working within a color scheme limited to three colors and their range of darkness variants. Creates harmony within a piece.
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