Visual Perception: What Do You See?

Moonlight: I've never personally thought that moonlight looked blue, I always thought of it as very cold white light that only appears to be blue because of how faint it is. Green looks bright while red looks black in moonlight.
Image result for moonlight painting
Edges and Depth:
Depth of Field
Sharp Edges: All on the same plain, very flat looking
Background Edges Soft: Subject is brought forward and background appears further back.
Subject Edges Soft: focuses on background while still keeping subject in front yet out of focus.
Edges in moonlight fade/disappear.
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Adaptation and Contrast: Warm light casts cold shadows and vice versa.
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Appetizing and Healing Colors: Colors can have almost therapeutic qualities, cooler colors tend to be more calming and tranquil, while warmer ones tend to be more energetic and exciting. This can make the viewer feel specific feelings.
Image result for appetizing color palette painting


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